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Podcast Ep 67: Nike Trainer Alex Silver-Fagan

Nike Master Trainer and strength training expert Alex Silver-Fagan is our special guest is this episode and she is on a mission to get more women to lift heavy weights (woot!). Alex, who is also the author of Get Strong for Women, turned to strength training after exploring a career in bikini competitions — an experience she found dispiriting to say the least. 

In this lively discussion, Alex talks about how to advance your strength training program, the super quick (and super sweaty) HIIT workouts she turns to when she’s short on time time, and her weekly workout regimen which is no joke! Alex is serious about her training — but don’t be intimidated, because at the same time, she’s like your fun, down-to-earth workout BFF who will have you grabbing that heavier set of dumbbells in no time flat!

(Know what else you can do in no time flat? Find The Fit Bottomed Girls Podcast on Spotify! Listen here.)

Our favorite quotes from this ep:

Podcast Episode 67 Highlights With Alex Silver-Fagan

  • The real deal on bikini competitions and why she doesn’t think they are healthy for women
  • Her top reasons why women should pick up heavy weights (and why the fear of get bulky is unfounded)
  • Knowing how much weight to lift and advice on doing so properly
  • The exercises women should — but often, do not — do
  • Her current favorite workout trends
  • Key pieces of workout equipment you should have at home
  • Plus, the FBGs discuss the dangers of “Fitspo” posts on social media and how to avoid “the comparison trap”

Get the ep with Alex Silver-Fagan here or below!

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What are your favorite strength exercises? —Margo

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FTC disclosure: We often receive products from companies to review. All thoughts and opinions are always entirely our own. Unless otherwise stated, we have received no compensation for our review and the content is purely editorial. Affiliate links may be included. If you purchase something through one of those links we may receive a small commission. Thanks for your support!


1 Comment
  1. Nice episode i really like it thanks for share.

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