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Dudettes! We wrote a book! Isn’t she pretty?!


We’ve put all of our experiences and life lessons into The Fit Bottomed Girls Anti-Diet, our manifesto of sorts on how to live a healthy, happy and truly fulfilled life. This confidence-boosting program will help you to have a healthier relationship with your body 10-minutes at a time. Our hearts and souls truly went into it! Buy it via the buttons below, and get ready to get your FBG Anti-Diet on!








What People Are Saying & Coverage About The FBG Anti-Diet

fitness-magazine-book-love-january-2014“The founders of the popular site FitBottomedGirls.com have created a friendly approach to getting healthy. The Fit Bottomed Girls Anti-Diet uses 10-minute changes to ditch the diet drama once and for all!” — New for 2014, Fitness magazine, January 2014

“When you use proven science instead of outdated calorie myths, ‘healthy’ leads to smiles, not struggles, and slim becomes simple. The Fit Bottomed Girls demonstrate this dynamically with their upbeat and calorie-myth-free anti-diet attitude.  – Jonathan Bailor, New York Times Bestselling Author of, The Calorie Myth

“Fit Bottomed Girls put the fit in your bottom and the fun in your healthy lifestyle! The FBG’s ‘Anti-Diet’ is the only weight-loss book you will ever need. The FBGs truly make eating healthy, exercising, dropping pounds — and losing your mental baggage about your body and the scale — hilarious and fun so that you will stick with good habits for the long-term. I’m a huge advocate of 10-minute fixes that fit into people’s lives — and their 10-minute fixes really deliver: They fit into your busy life, they’re proven to work, and you’ll actually enjoy doing them! If you’re tired of the weight-loss roller coaster, going ‘on’ and ‘off’ diets, don’t give up — just read this book!” —Nicole Nichols, Coach Nicole of SparkPeople.com

“The Fit Bottomed Girls Anti-Diet celebrates the number one rule of success … honor thyself! Unraveling the diet mentality and reliance upon outside advice by tuning into the only true expert on you — yourself — will transform everything and take your physical, mental and spiritual health to an entirely unprecedented level. Jennipher and Erin generously offer support, inspiration and practical tips to rock your anti-diet. Energizing, jubilant and entertaining, this book will transform your life!” —Julieanna Hever, MS, RD, CPT, author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition and host of What Would Julieanna Do?

The Fit-Bottomed Girls Anti-Diet book is charming, creative and accessible. The tone is casual but knowledgeable and pleasantly mimics a conversation with a smart, funny girlfriend. It includes terrific practical guides to making healthy food and fitness choices, as well as non-cheesy inspirational advice and life strategies. It’s truly as juicy, engaging and insightful as having a good cup of coffee with a dear friend; I couldn’t put it down.” —Amanda Russell

“The authors behind the popular site FitBottomedGirls.com, and recipient of our Best of 2013 awards, have a new approach to dieting. Their ‘Anti-Diet’ is inspired by visitors to the site and focuses on empowering women while guiding them through 10-minute workouts. It may not come out until May, but this book is one we think worth the wait.” — The Must-Read Diet and Fitness Books of 2014, and Women’s Blogger

“Fitness is about feeling strong, athletic, energetic and proud. The Fit Bottomed Girls Anti-Diet by Jennipher Walters and Erin Whitehead is a great tool to help you get there. It’s a fun, easy read that will make you laugh out loud while inspiring you to take charge and do better.” —Fitzness.com

The Fit Bottomed Girls Anti-Diet is exactly what the authors claim it to be: not a diet. Instead, it is a book of 10-minute healthy lifestyle changes you can make every day to make your brain listen to your body and to make yourself feel like a Fit Bottomed Girl.” —DietsinReview.com

“A confidence-boosting program to help the user develop healthy habits. No major rules or big changes, the gentle approach to weight control provides 10-minute strategies to keep you on track.” —TODAY

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“Newbies, listen up. The FBG’s Anti-Diet is your new manifesto: a happy-go-lucky guide to finding the joy in getting fit and eating healthy without any of the negativity that surrounds diets. (Boo to all that noise!) Jennipher Walters and Erin Whitehead do a great job of shaking the pom-poms for healthy living while reminding you that in no way should it be a endless parade of sad salads or gym obligations.” —The 20 Must-Read Fitness, Health, and Happiness Books of 2014, Greatist

G_Approved_Books“This is not just another fitness book. Aptly named, The Fit Bottomed Girls Anti-Diet is a refreshing read packed with 10-minute exercises to help you get to the heart of fitness and weight loss by getting to the heart of YOU.” —FatFighterTV

I like the wholeness of this book. First step: cut the drama. Now that the drama is out of the way, focus on food and fitness. But it’s more than that. The FBGs march into territories like being nice to each other, helping out, loving yourself, meditation, sleep, and other stuff like that. In other words: being healthy IS about eating and exercising, but it is also much more than that.” —The Avid Reader

Instead of a diet plan, they offer strategies to fix the areas of your life that influence your weight and your happiness level.” —Calorie Count

What Jennipher Walters and Erin Whitehead deliver in their new book is a heap of certifications, practical experience, and scientifically-supported evidence that every woman can identify with. Best of all, they can apply it! Ten minutes is all these anti-dieters are asking of you. Whether that’s ten minutes to prep a meal, move your body, or lift your spirits, they’ve written the definitive guide on making the best use of all that time you think you don’t have.” —DietsinReview.com

“Although less than 24 hours old, the book is already climbing the Amazon ranks.” —Examiner.com

“Have you ever picked up a book and after reading the first couple of paragraphs you were suddenly in a better mood? A smile slowly starts to spread on your face, the wheels in your brain kick into gear and a voice somewhere inside starts chanting – you can do this! That’s how I felt the moment I cracked open Jennipher Walters and Erin Whitehead’s new book The Fit Bottomed Girls Anti-Diet.” —Fake Food Free

DIR 2014 most popular diets“Got 10 minutes to spare? The Fit Bottomed Girls Anti-Diet may work for you.” —KCTV5

I think The Anti-Diet is a GREAT book for someone who is ready to get off the diet merry-go-round and finally figure out how to truly LIVE a healthy life.  It would be fabulous for beginners.” —Healthy Tipping Point

“It’s a storehouse of doable, spot-on advice for everything from healthy to happy and all the in-between.” —A Weight Lifted

It’s not just about diet and exercise. It’s about laughter. It’s about confidence. It’s about a success mindset. Get this book.” —Fitness Reloaded

“Stand-out favorites from the newbies include Fit Bottomed Girls Anti-Diet (#14), which takes a no-BS stance on solutions that actually work in the real world.” —The 25 Most Popular Diets of 2014, DietsinReview.com

“You had me at ‘anti-diet.’ The Fit Bottomed Girls aren’t interested in making you ditch chocolate and pretend that the real loves of your life are kale and the elliptical. Instead, they help you make 10-minute changes to your life that lead to big results. It’s a book more focused on helping you love who you are and getting healthy than focusing on dropping a ton of weight, which is a nice change.” —10 Cookbooks and Fitness Guides That Will Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolution to Stay Healthy in 2015, Bustle

Want a review copy of  The Fit Bottomed Girls Anti-Diet for your publication or blog? Hit us up at [email protected], and we will hook you up!