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Podcast Ep 109: Stefani Ruper of Coconuts & Kettlebells

Our podcast guest today, Stefani Ruper, is not only the co-author of Coconuts and Kettlebells: A Personalized 4-Week and Fitness Plan for Long-Term Health, Happiness and Freedom, the founder of Paleo for Women, and the co-host of the Well-Fed Women Podcast (which is already super-impressive if you ask us!), but she is also currently working on her PhD in philosophy at The University of Oxford and living a very “Harry Potter-ish” existence — complete with all-night study sessions at the library and a cafeteria lifestyle. (One of her higher education pals’ printer even makes an appearance in this ep!)

As a woman who used to engage in the “restrict/binge/shame cycle,” Stefani is now passionate about encouraging people to eat more nutritious foods — and avoiding the restrictive diet/calorie-counting world. By learning to eat in a more nutritionally focused way, she herself was not only able to achieve a happy and healthy weight, but she also better manages her PCOS symptoms (including acne).

We talk to Stefani about her unusual sleep schedule, her new philosophy podcast, as well as her honest-t0-goodness thoughts about fasting and the keto diet (she does not hold back here!). This is like a chat with your bestie who happens to be super smart, lives an incredible academic life, and yet is very down to earth. You’re gonna love her!

A few of our favorite quotes from Stefani include …

Podcast Episode 109 Highlights With Stefani Ruper

  • Why she encourages people to eat more and better foods for optimal health
  • How our whole culture is about restriction — and why that is leading us to be undernourished
  • Why a positive mindset is essential to having a positive relationship with foods
  • What macronutrients are and how they can change your health
  • How she healed her own PCOS and acne
  • How studying at Oxford University is a little like living in the world of Harry Potter
  • Her honest thoughts on keto diets and fasting (as well as her regrets on how she used to prescribe diets to her clients)
  • The deets on her new podcast that will be all about philosophy
  • Plus, guys! We’ve got stickers! Listen to the pre-show to find out how to get one for yourself.

Get the episode with Stefani Ruper here or below!

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Are macronutrients a part of your daily food plan? —Margo

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