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Podcast Ep 97: Dr. Bradley Nelson of The Emotion Code

Whether you’ve spent hours pondering the connection between emotional pain and your health or if you are hearing this idea for the first time now, you’ll want to tune right in for this enlightening ep with Dr. Bradley Nelson, author of The Emotion Code. Dr. Nelson began his career as a chiropractor who found that all his patient’s numerous ailments seemed to stem from carrying emotional baggage. He deduced that the human body is basically an energy field that can be affected positively or negatively by emotional trauma — and that effect can last for years if not treated or addressed.

Does this sound a little “woo-ish?” Dr. Bradley’s techniques of helping folks with blocked emotions (including our own FBG Jenn!) has helped people with eating disorders, chronic pain, depression, infertility, irrational fears and more. The best part? Much of the advice he offers here can also be found in resources (books and an app) that are free and easy-to-use — so if you give this ep a listen and want to see what it can do for you, you can take steps toward feeling better starting today.

One of our favorite quotes from this episode was …

Podcast Episode 97 Highlights With Dr. Bradley Nelson:

  • How and why he created The Emotion Code
  • What our emotional baggage really is and how it affects our physical selves
  • How you can still carry your emotions with you even if you think you’ve dealt with them
  • How to get a PDF and audio of his book for free (Spoiler: link is here!)
  • The method that can help you to tap into your inner knowledge
  • How trapped emotions can cause physical pain
  • Common illnesses and issues that are often linked to trapped emotions
  • How trapped emotions hold us back from doing the things we really want to do
  • The effect of trapped emotions on your workouts and your relationship with food (and why understanding this can help you find your inner reasons for emotional eating)
  • How to finding a practitioner that can help you at Healer’s Library
  • Plus, we talk about Jenn’s Emotion Code experience

Get the episode with Dr. Bradley Nelson here or below!

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Have you ever healed your body by working on your emotions? —Margo

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