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Podcast Ep 96: Steve Kamb of Nerd Fitness

Pow! Bam! Boom!

What’s that you say? Oh, that’s just the sound of us being super-psyched to talk with Nerd Fitness founder and “Rebel Leader” Steve Kamb, who combines his obsession with superheroes and video games with kick-ass fitness. Steve’s passion for helping everyone find their place at the gym is infectious and his worship of Captain America is real!

(Seriously, it took super strength for him to NOT leave our interview when told about a 13-foot statue of his hero on display in Brooklyn!)

Will Byington Photography

Nerd Fitness, which Steve began as a healthier option against what he calls a “despicable industry,” has more than 50,000 members of its Rebellion (inspired by Star Wars, of course!). He is incredibly proud of their achievements, including Staci Ardison, who went from being an overweight smoker to being able to dead lift more than 430 pounds and is now a head coach for Nerd Fitness!

Steve is also the author of Level Up Your Life and embraces one of his favorite lessons from video games: the concept of always being able to improve your situation in life, be it health, work or relationships. If you are looking for some nerdy inspiration, this is the episode for you!

Here are our fave quotes from Steve …

Photos/Will Byington Photography

Podcast Episode 95 Highlights With Steve Kamb

  • How Nerd Fitness came about and why he chose the name
  • Why he feels a great deal of fitness marketing is predatory
  • What it was really like to write his first book (lots of procrastination here!)
  • Why you need just 20 seconds of courage to change your life
  • The easiest way to “level up” your life
  • Why it’s so important to enjoy the whole process when setting goals
  • What a typical day is like for Steve
  • His favorite superhero and why he admires that character
  • The lunch he has every single day
  • The ingredients of his “power bomb shake”
  • Why you should always have a new dragon to slay
  • His current fitness goals
  • Plus, we talk about our favorite superheroes

Get the episode with Steve Kamb here or below!

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Who is your favorite superhero and why? —Margo

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