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Podcast Ep 88: Feminist, Photographer & Entrepreneur Kyle Hepp

A self-described “serial entrepreneur who’s never had a real job,” Kyle Hepp is an internationally recognized wedding photographer, a CrossFitter who has placed top 10 in Chile’s female CrossFit rankings for several years, author of the book “The Maternal Instinct Myth,” and is in the process of seeking funding for a new gym software company with her boyfriend and “baby daddy.” The busy mom to 1 ½-year-old Ayla has all kinds of tips and tricks to help live a full life that’s a little more off the beaten path.

Kyle lives the life of an expat in Santiago, Chile, and at one time opened and owned a CrossFit gym there, but between her wedding photography business and her love of international travel, you’ll only find her there part of the year. In this interview, she talks about how she’s fighting some of the most commonly held beliefs about motherhood, the pros and cons of owning your own business, plus the difficulty women have gaining respect in the tech sector. When she isn’t working on getting her next round of funding under her belt, you can find her photographing stunning weddings in some of the most beautiful parts in the world or baring her soul on social media about what she’s loving or struggling with as a mom. Honestly, she’s the kind of woman you might start out feeling envious of, but Kyle is just so damn cool that you end up cheering her on with your whole heart. You’ll be glad you checked her out on today’s ep!

Podcast Episode 88 Highlights With Kyle Hepp

  • How she created this kickass life for herself
  • The frustration of pitching to potential investors who ignore her and defer to her boyfriend/partner instead
  • How she uses her femininity to her advantage in the tech world (because at least she’ll be memorable in a crowd full of men!)
  • The surprising challenges of owning her own CrossFit gym and why she sold the business
  • How being an unexpected mom changed her life dramatically
  • How mothers of the bride are the real stars in weddings in Chilean families, and some of the interesting cultural differences she notices in the weddings she shoots all over the world
  • Her favorite location to shoot a wedding
  • The story behind her being shamed for breastfeeding her daughter at the airport
  • How important her boyfriend is to her success and why she believes it’s important to recognize
  • Plus, we talk about the “you do you” philosophy of living life on your own terms

Don’t forget: this podcast ep is sponsored by Luv My Skivvies, a monthly subscription service for undies that are as cute as they are comfy. Designed for workouts and your everyday life, you just pick your size and your style, and you’ll never have to think about what’s in your panty drawer again. Because badass women need panties that live up to our adventures. Be sure to check out check luvmyskivvies.com and save 25 percent off your first month with the code FBG at checkout!

Get the episode with Kyle Hepp here or below!

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If you could be an entrepreneur in any field, what would you pursue? —Margo

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