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Podcast Ep 86: Ultrarunners Scott and Jenny Jurek

If you are in the market for some mountain-sized, kick-ass motivation, this is the ep for you! We were lucky enough to chat with Scott and Jenny Jurek about their epic running adventures under occasionally hellacious circumstances. Scott is one of the greatest long distance runners of all time with a whole slew of victories under his belt, including winning the Western States 100-Mile Run seven consecutive times. (Like whoa!)

In 2015, Scott decided it was time to bow out of his competitive running career by taking on one more epic journey — running the entire length of the Appalachian Trail. But that’s not all. Scott didn’t want to just take on the historic and much revered trail — he wanted to run it in the fastest time ever. So, for 46 days straight he ran (or scrambled) 50 miles on average, ascending and descending an average of 13,000 feet, eating more than 6,000 calories per day (as a vegan!) and sleeping in a van each night with possibly the greatest support crew ever: his wife, Jenny.

Scott and Jenny detail all of this in their book, North: Finding My Way While Running the Appalachian Trail, and we are so lucky to have Scott and Jenny (and their new baby boy!) on the show to talk about their wild adventures, dealing with injuries, and their favorite lessons learned on the trail — plus so much more.

Here are a few of our fave quotes …

Podcast Episode 86 Highlights With Scott & Jenny Jurek

  • Why Scott decided to take on the Appalachian Trail and how important Jenny’s support was during the journey
  • How Scott managed to run with a torn quad (and how we was able to heal himself along the way!)
  • Their favorite memories from the AT
  • The importance of Jenny knowing when to provide comfort and when to apply tough love during their journey
  • How Scott managed to eat 6,000-8,000 calories each day on the trail while maintaining a vegan diet, as well as his biggest food cravings (because it turns out there are very few Thai restaurants on the Appalachian Trail!)
  • Ways that Scott kept his mind occupied to get out of his “mental lumps” on the trail
  • The good — and challenging — parts of people joining him on the trail 
  • How Jenny managed to keep centered and focused on the trail after suffering an ectopic pregnancy (and the joy they now have with their new baby boy)
  • How Scott became both a tougher — and softer — person because of the experience
  • Plus, FBG Kristen talks about how this episode changed her mindset about rehabbing an injury 

Don’t forget: this podcast ep is sponsored by Luv My Skivvies, a monthly subscription service for undies that are as cute as they are comfy. Designed for workouts and your everyday life, you just pick your size and your style, and you’ll never have to think about what’s in your panty drawer again. Because badass women need panties that live up to our adventures. Be sure to check out check luvmyskivvies.com and save 25 percent off your first month with the code FBG at checkout!

Get the episode with Scott and Jenny Jurek here or below!

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Can you possibly imagine running the entire Appalachian Trail?! —Margo

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FTC disclosure: We often receive products from companies to review. All thoughts and opinions are always entirely our own. Unless otherwise stated, we have received no compensation for our review and the content is purely editorial. Affiliate links may be included. If you purchase something through one of those links we may receive a small commission. Thanks for your support!


1 Comment
  1. jack buck says:

    I have not checked in here for some time because I thought it was getting boring, but the last several posts are good quality so I guess I will add you back to my everyday bloglist. You deserve it my friend 🙂

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