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Podcast Ep 85: Nutrition Expert Whitney E. RD (Part 2)

Whitney English Tabaie is a registered dietitian nutritionist, certified personal trainer, founder of Whitney E. RD … and we had so much fun talking to in our first interview (catch it here in case you missed it) that we decided to have her back on! We delve into a whole slew of subjects for our second information-packed chat with the former E! News reporter who traded in the red carpet for scientific studies — and never looked back.

Whitney talks about what it takes to become a registered dietitian (RD), and explains exactly what they can (and cannot) say about treating disease. We also ask her about what’s the best time for a pre- or post-workout snack (and what they should be based on your activity), whether or not one needs supplements, the buzz on BCAAs — and we even chat about Whitney’s pregnancy cravings, because at the time we spoke, she was just a few weeks away from giving birth. Between then and now, she’s brought a beautiful little boy into the world — so, congrats, Whitney!

Some of our fave quotes include …

Don’t forget: this podcast ep is sponsored by Luv My Skivvies, a monthly subscription service for undies that are as cute as they are comfy. Designed for workouts and your everyday life, you just pick your size and your style, and you’ll never have to think about what’s in your panty drawer again. Because badass women need panties that live up to our adventures. Be sure to check out check luvmyskivvies.com and save 25 percent off your first month with the code FBG at checkout!

Podcast Episode 85 Highlights With Whitney English Tabaie (Part 2)

  • Her thoughts on the ketogenic diet and its unusual beginnings
  • Why the RD title is so important and the reason they’re are legally allowed to treat chronic disease 
  • Whether or not to eat before a morning workout
  • What to eat after a tough workout
  • How she is handling her first pregnancy
  • Tips for gorgeous food photography and why you shouldn’t “strive for perfection”
  • Why grain-free products are not always a healthy option
  • The latest trends for plant-based convenience foods
  • Plus, we talk about food photography and when you should (or should not) share your meal photos on social media

Get the episode with Whitney English Tabaie here or below!

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Learn anything new? —Margo

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FTC disclosure: We often receive products from companies to review. All thoughts and opinions are always entirely our own. Unless otherwise stated, we have received no compensation for our review and the content is purely editorial. Affiliate links may be included. If you purchase something through one of those links we may receive a small commission. Thanks for your support!


1 Comment
  1. Thanks for this post. Whitney is a great dietitian and her knowledge is very useful for improving your overall health and lifestyle.

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