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Podcast Ep 80: Nutrition Expert Whitney E. RD (Part 1)

Whitney English Tabaie is a former E! News producer who went from covering celebrities and red carpet events to becoming a registered dietitian nutritionist, a certified personal trainer and founder of Whitney E. RD. She is on a mission to halt the spread of misinformation in the health and fitness field, and she’s dedicated to examining the latest studies and using that information to inform her clients and followers how to make the healthiest choices they can. Seriously, she’ll even read hot new research while on vacation — and figure out how to present it in a way that’s easy to understand, even if you didn’t spend years earning your master’s in nutrition like she did.

Oh, and head’s up — before we finished up with Whit, we were already inviting her back because, boy, do we have questions! So stay tuned, because there’s more to come in a few weeks with our Part 2 ep.

In this information-packed episode, Whitney talks about her free 7-Day Predominantly Plant-Based Diet Plan (you can sign up here!), plus, she fielded our questions about the advantages of a predominantly plant-based diet, what exactly she means by that phrase, whether or not nightshades actually cause inflammation, and how soy might not be the nutritional bogeyman that some folks have made it out to be. In fact, she made a series of three YouTube videos about the science of soy that you’re probably going to want to watch.

Also, we have a new sponsor — Luv My Skivvies — and they’re AWESOME.

Luv My Skivvies is a monthly subscription service for undies that are as cute as they are comfy. Designed for workouts and your everyday life, you just pick your size and your style, and you’ll never have to think about what’s in your panty drawer again. Because badass women need panties that live up to our adventures. Now let’s get into our fave quotes and the show!

And our fave quotes from Whitney …

Podcast Episode 80 Highlights With Whitney English Tabaie

  • Her transition from working as a producer for E! to the world of nutrition and science
  • The benefits (and myths) associated with a plant-based diet 
  • The best anti-inflammation diet to follow
  • Why she doesn’t support a full vegan diet
  • Her thoughts on intuitive eating
  • Why we all need to have fibrous foods in our diet
  • Her top advice to spot a “nutrition quack”
  • Plus, we talk about our NEW SPONSOR!

Get the episode with Whitney English Tabaie here or below!

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Have you ever made a serious about-face in your career like Whitney? And — reminder — be sure to check out check luvmyskivvies.com and save 25 percent off your first month with the code FBG at checkout. You’ll love ’em! Margo

Want to sponsor the show? Yay! Drop us a note at [email protected] and let’s make the world a healthier place together!

FTC disclosure: We often receive products from companies to review. All thoughts and opinions are always entirely our own. Unless otherwise stated, we have received no compensation for our review and the content is purely editorial. Affiliate links may be included. If you purchase something through one of those links we may receive a small commission. Thanks for your support!