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Podcast Ep 77: Glutes, Glutes and More Glutes with Courtney Wyckoff of Momma Strong

Let’s get to talking about a part of our body that is often neglected — our glutes! Courtney Wyckoff of Momma Strong is supercharged about women firing up their entire glutes (especially that gluteus medius) in this fun, chatty and oh-so-i nformative episode.

Courtney began her journey after giving birth to her second child. During that time, she experienced depression while struggling to get her body back in shape despite her background in Pilates and personal training. It was then that she turned to exercises focusing on extension versus flexion — and that brought her the “aha moment” that changed her entire workout focus. (She is seriously all about the glutes, folks!)

With research, she discovered that it’s the glute supporting the pelvis that’s the key to core health — instead of abdominal work only. So get ready to rock out those squats and planks, people! Honestly, even if you have no interest in giving birth, the advice she gives in this episode is going to change how you work out from now on!

Here are a few of our fave quotes …

Podcast Episode 77 Highlights With Courtney Wyckoff

  • How strengthening your core is about more than doing crunches
  • Why she decided to work in the pre- and postnatal fitness field and what has changed in that category over the years
  • How to tell if you have “dead butt syndrome”
  • How to do a potty squat (video on how to do it, here!)
  • The idea of a woman’s body as a “container” and how to best maintain it
  • Her version of a 2018 kegel (brace those abs!)
  • Defining diastasis recti, plus what can be done about it after giving birth
  • Her personal glute routine she performs twice each day
  • What she means by saying glutes are the “surfers” of the muscle groups
  • Why motherhood is an “action sport”
  • Her plans for her upcoming Cheeky Tour
  • How to hold a baby the right way (it’s different than you think!)
  • Her thoughts on waist training, postpartum braces and wrapping
  • The kinetics of the perfect plank position
  • Her top advice for avoiding injuries
  • Plus, we FBGs talk about our favorite glute moves — and Kristen puts Margo and Jenn to shame!

Get the episode with Courtney Wyckoff here or below!

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How do you like to work those glutes? —Margo

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1 Comment
  1. Jay says:

    She looks great!

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