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Podcast Ep 71: Sports Psychology Expert Amy Baltzell

Are you looking for help creating sustainable goals that keep your motivation high so that you can tackle new challenges — and feel really awesome doing it? Well, get ready to learn about how to do just that from Amy Baltzell, President of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology and a certified Mental Performance Consultant who taught the very first Sport Psychology course at Harvard University. She joined us for an enlightening chat about motivation, how to overcome nervous energy, the qualities elite athletes share and the power of incorporating mindfulness into your fitness routine.

Amy has quite a bit of personal experience as a competitive athlete — she was part of the U.S.Rowing Team during the 1992 Olympics and served as a member of the women’s America’s Cup Sailing Team in 1995. In this ep she offers advice for reaching your fitness goals, tips for forgiving yourself when you come up short, her thoughts on workout buddies (plus Aristotle’s theories about friendship!), how to perfect your rowing technique, her advice for kids in competitive sports and so much more.

Seriously, we pack a ton of inspiration and knowledge in this show! Here’s our fave quote from the ep …

Podcast Episode 71 Highlights With Amy Baltzell

  • The different ways to handle (and deal) with pressure when you feel anxious
  • The biggest mistakes people make when setting goals
  • The power of visualization techniques in managing uncertainty and nerves
  • What to look for in a workout buddy (and what to avoid!)
  • How treating yourself with kindness creates courage
  • Tips for creating sustainable goals and staying motivated as you take on new challenges
  • When to employ “mind over matter” thinking — and when to pay attention to the “matter”
  • Her own self-care techniques
  • The mindset of elite athletes 
  • The pressure of sports and competition on kids — and her advice for parents and coaches
  • How it’s okay to be a little “selfish” when setting goals
  • Why it’s important to have a mantra ready to help you sustain your motivation and deal with adversity
  • Plus, we talk about our own pre-game/pre-race jitters and whether that changes based on competing solo or on a team 

Get the episode with Amy Baltzell here or below!

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What is your favorite mantra to amp up your motivation? —Margo

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