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Podcast Ep 66: The Dirty Vegan, Catherine Gill

If you are ready to go a little more “meatless” if not entirely “meat-free” (and who doesn’t want to show a little more kindness to the environment and animals?), then have we got the perfect guest for you in this episode. Catherine Gill (creator of The Dirty Vegan blog) offers her advice on how to cook and bake in a vegan-friendly way that is delicious and satisfying.  

Catherine’s new book, The Dirty Vegan Cookbook, comes after years of creating recipes and doing research for her blog, and it’s filled with comfort food and baked goods that are easy to prepare and healthy. We had so much fun talking to her about how she became a go-to source for vegan recipes and her best tips for creating tasty vegan meals. Enjoy!

A few of our favorite quote from this ep were:

Podcast Episode 66 Highlights With Catherine Gill

  • Her best advice for newbie and wannabe vegans to make the transition easier
  • Really easy substitutes for baking treats that are yummy and satisfying
  • The plethora of food products now available on store shelves that make eating vegan easy, tasty and not too costly (winner, winner, vegan chicken dinner!)
  • How her blog attracted top celebrities who reached out to ask her to create recipes just for them
  • The amazing “pantry guide” included in her cookbook that helps any novice vegan get started
  • Her wonderful rescue dog who knows how to herd a dinner party 
  • Plus, we discuss our favorite meatless meals, dinner party etiquette, dietary conundrums and lots of musings about mushrooms

Get the episode with The Dirty Vegan here or below!

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What are your favorite vegan food substitutes? Oh, and guys, if you have Alexa, ask for our podcast by name! We’re on TuneIn now! —Margo

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FTC disclosure: We often receive products from companies to review. All thoughts and opinions are always entirely our own. Unless otherwise stated, we have received no compensation for our review and the content is purely editorial. Affiliate links may be included. If you purchase something through one of those links we may receive a small commission. Thanks for your support!


1 Comment
  1. Beautiful just amazing nice post very interesting thanks for share:)

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