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Podcast Ep 64: Bob Harper on His Recovery, Workouts and LIFE

Photo: Deborah Feingold

OMG! Guess who is back on the podcast? After a crazy year where he managed to survive a massive heart attack and cardiac arrest, Bob Harper is on the podcast for a second time (see the first ep here) to talk about his recovery, as well as his new attitude reflected in his latest book: The Super Carb Diet.

Seriously, Bob gets DEEP in this ep talking about his new way of living that may shock some of his diehard fans. (Like, the fact that he is no longer obsessed with getting to the gym. BIG change there!)

Bob is convinced his health woes were brought on by a variety of factors, including his family health history as well as a lack of balance in his life. With the help of his four-legged best friend Karl and other pals, Bob’s recovery is a mixture of spending time with his loved ones, eating a more heart-healthy diet, getting in more yoga and daily sessions of transcendental meditation. With this episode, get ready to listen to a more serene and self-reflective Bob!  

Here are some of our fave quotes from Bob …

Podcast Episode 64 Highlights With Bob Harper

  • What happened on the day of his heart attack and how he has changed his lifestyle to become more balanced in every area of his life  
  • The tests you should be asking your doctor for, in addition to the standard LDL and HDL (the LP(a) test, which he never knew about before his heart attack) 
  • The difference between healthy carbs and “carbage”
  • The trust-building process he has with his heart right now
  • His daily mantra to remain heart healthy
  • His current favorite workouts and the meals he’s counting on to stay healthy

Get the episode with Bob Harper here or below!

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How do you take care of your heart? —Margo

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