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Podcast Ep 56: Dr. Josh Axe on Natural Health

Get ready for a super informative episode! Dr. Josh Axe is a certified doctor of natural medicine, a clinical nutritionist, a chiropractic physician and best-selling author with a passion to help people get well by using food as medicine. He recently authored Eat Dirt and Essential Oils: Ancient Medicine and operates one of the world’s most visited natural health websites at DrAxe.com.

We chatted with Dr. Axe about everything from functional medicine to adrenal fatigue to what his favorite essential oils are (hint — he never leaves home without his top pick!). Plus, he talks about his daily “spiritual triathlon,” favorite workouts and so much more.

Oh, and did you guys notice our new podcast sponsor? Yay, VARIDESK! Be sure to head on over to their site now to see all the cool active workspace goodies they offer. It’s seriously work- and life-changing! 

Some of our favorite quotes from this episode: 

Podcast Episode 56 Highlights With Dr. Josh Axe

  • The differences between traditional and functional medicine
  • The signs of adrenal fatigue and how to best treat it
  • How your food choices can affect your hormones
  • What causes a leaky gut and how it affects your overall health
  • His favorite essential oils and their different uses (and we share some of our favorites, too!)
  • Best practices for weight loss and the No. 1 food in which most people are deficient
  • The foods he keeps in his fridge and what he eats on a daily basis

Get the episode with with Dr. Axe here or below!

Get more info on our podcast here and be sure to subscribe on iTunes so that you never miss an episode!

Have you ever tried functional medicine? —Margo

Want to sponsor the show? Yay! Drop us a note at [email protected] and let’s make the world a healthier place together!

FTC disclosure: We often receive products from companies to review. All thoughts and opinions are always entirely our own. Unless otherwise stated, we have received no compensation for our review and the content is purely editorial. Affiliate links may be included. If you purchase something through one of those links we may receive a small commission. Thanks for your support!


  1. Mukesh says:

    Very good write-up. I certainly love this website. Thanks!

  2. johal says:

    nice work good blog and great post…thanks for the interesting info…

  3. Good blog post, I have long known that essential oil works miraculously, after your blog I know it is even more capable, healing, relaxing, chasing mosquitoes, great

  4. Aika says:

    This is a great episode with Dr. Axe. It’s so informative and engaging that makes me want to learn more about overall health. I look forward to more informative discussions with Dr. Axe on this show. Thank you for sharing the podcast!

  5. Khayrie says:

    I really like the quotes especially the people need to eat real food. I think that one of the underlying emotion that is toxic to ourselves is that we care too much about what other people will say about us instead of focusing on what makes us happy and doing what we think is best for ourselves because in the long run, it is us who is responsible for our own happiness.

  6. Stella says:

    Thanks for featuring Dr. Axe. He really talks a lot of sense. I hope to catch more of his interviews in the future.

  7. How much sleep is enough for your health? According to the National Sleep Foundation, young adults and adults need 7 to 9 hours and older adults need 7 to 8 hours of sleep. If you are active (particularly for endurance athletes), I recommend a minimum of 8 hours to allow your body extra time for recovery.

  8. Oh, and did you guys notice our new podcast sponsor? Yay, VARIDESK! Be sure to head on over to their site now to see all the cool active workspace goodies they offer. It’s seriously work- and life-changing.

  9. Get ready for a super informative episode! Dr. Josh Axe is a certified doctor of natural medicine, a clinical nutritionist, a chiropractic physician and best-selling author with a passion to help people get well by using food as medicine. He recently authored

  10. Good post.. following..

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