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Podcast Ep 55: Talking Energy With Deana Welch

If you are looking for some guidance energy-wise, (I mean, how many of us are feeling really freaking tired these days?) have we got the expert for you! Deana Welch is an energy worker, creator of Self-Healing School, and she is on a mission to demystify all things “hippy dippy.” In this interview she shares the secret of how to make positive (and fast) changes in your life — all by working with your energy.

In this episode, Deana offers her own version of “Energy 101” — which explains the difference between managing your own energy fields versus having the energy to take on a task. (Spoiler: they’re different but related!) Plus, she gets into the fascinating details of what it means to have a low- versus a high-vibration situation and the importance of “being in your body.” We also get into how all of the craziness happening in the news today (and how many of us just want to hide from the world in times like this!) — makes self-help work like hers is more important than ever.

Some of our favorite quotes from this episode include …

Podcast Episode 55 Highlights With Deana Welch

  • What high versus low vibrations are and how they enhance or impede our enjoyment of life
  • The power of intuition and how to best tune into yours
  • Tips for being more “in your body”
  • Advice for parents on how to manage energy while raising kids
  • How to use food and exercise to increase our energy
  • Learning how to activate the power of receiving high vibrations — and how to receive them even if you think nobody is sending them your way
  • And in the pre-show we talk about “The Milkshake Study”

Get the episode with Deana Welch here or below!

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What makes you vibe high? —Margo

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