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Podcast Ep 135: Dr. Michael Roizen on What to Eat When

A note to our dear listeners: this episode was recorded before the COVID-19 pandemic changed, well, everything. We’re sharing it today in the hopes that it offers a little break to the endless news cycle and adds some levity to a time when it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Stay safe, stay home, and stay well, all. We love you!

If you have ever been curious about the best time to have breakfast or dinner, or perhaps wondered about the effect food can have on your psyche, this show will be a revelation. Dr. Michael Roizen, the chief wellness officer at the Cleveland Clinic, joins us to talk about a book he co-authored called What to Eat When, which features the latest research on how food can work with our biological clocks to optimize health.

Roizen seriously made us think about, well, what we eat … and when. Trust us when we say that this episode will truly give you food for thought. (You know we had to!)

Our favorite quote from Dr. Roizen:

Podcast Episode 135 Highlights With Dr. Michael Roizen

  • Why when you eat is just as important as what you eat
  • The reason “stereotyping your food” works against you (and why you should embrace having dinner for breakfast)
  • Why you want to eat 75 percent of your food before 2 p.m.
  • The key foods you should avoid (and healthier swaps to consider)
  • How what you eat can affect your libido and fertility
  • The key to getting a good night’s sleep by changing your eats
  • Ideas for snacks that will satisfy your cravings
  • How to eat the “When Way” without tanking your social life
  • Why folks who work the late shift should eat more when they first start their day, whenever that is
  • The key to mindful eating
  • Plus, we discuss some of our favorite foods and how this interview impacted our eating habits.

Get the episode with Dr. Michael Roizen here or below!

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Do you prefer to eat at certain times over others? –Margo

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FTC disclosure: We often receive products from companies to review. All thoughts and opinions are always entirely our own. Unless otherwise stated, we have received no compensation for our review and the content is purely editorial. Affiliate links may be included. If you purchase something through one of those links we may receive a small commission. Thanks for your support!


  1. Amazing Job!! Keep up the good work.

  2. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Keichy says:

    Thanks for sharing, waiting to reading more article

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