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Podcast Ep 133: The Pollan Family on ‘Mostly Plants’

In this episode we speak with three of the famous Pollan family cookbook authors (Dana, Lori, and Corky) about their latest collaboration, Mostly Plants: 101 Flexitarian Recipes from the Pollan Family. They’re proof that, with some creativity and proper planning, following a plant-based diet can be delicious, nutritious — and doable, even if not everyone you’re cooking for is on the exact same page when it comes to food preferences.

The Pollans believe in creating meals that will satisfy everyone at the table — vegetarians, flexitarians, and meat eaters alike. With that in mind, they’ve created a whole slew of recipes that are truly accessible; in fact, most of them can be created in under 35 minutes! So, if you’re looking for some plant-based inspiration, this episode will make you all kinds of happy!

Our favorite quote from this episode:

Podcast Episode 133 Highlights With Dana, Lori & Corky Pollan

  • How a plant-based approach benefits both you and the environment
  • The process the family uses for picking which recipes made it into Mostly Plants — and which ones didn’t quite make the cut
  • How changing the look of your plate might help you live a healthier life
  • Their favorite “go-to” recipes to create a quick meal
  • The beauty of mise-en-place
  • Their dream dinner party guests
  • The challenges of cooking on live TV — and how it can go spectacularly wrong!
  • Plus, we discuss our dream dinner guests — and encourage you to comment below with you you’d love to have at your table!

Get the episode with the Pollan family here or below!

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What are your favorite plant-based meals? —Margo

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