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Podcast Ep 131: Kathleen Trotter, ‘Your Future Fittest Self’

Did you know that not only is it normal to have your fitness personality change over time but also that it should change to adapt to your different life events and situations? True story says fitness expert and author of Your Future Fittest SelfKathleen Trotter. In our podcast episode with her, she talks about the four most common fitness personalities and how they can help you to be the fittest version of you possible.

If you’re hitting a fitness plateau right now or just need some inspiration to up your workout game, this show is for you!

A few of our favorite quotes from Kathleen:

Podcast Episode 131 Highlights With Kathleen Trotter

  • The four fitness personalities and how that helps you to be fitter
  • What women 35 years and up should pay attention to fitness-wise
  • Why doing things you don’t love can help you do the things that really are your bliss
  • Her belief that small things can spiral forward into better health and bigger changes
  • How you can hold yourself to high standards — not because you hate yourself but because you love yourself
  • The connection between wanting to do something and actually doing it
  • What gut health has to do with happiness
  • How a pedicure with her best friend turned into a book
  • How to reframe the narrative when we get frustrated by age-related challenges
  • The importance of recovery via sleep, nutrition, hydration, and soft tissue work with a foam roller
  • Plus, we FBGs talk how our fitness personalities have changed over the years

Get the episode with Kathleen Trotter here or below!

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Has your fitness personality changed over the years? —Margo

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FTC disclosure: We often receive products from companies to review. All thoughts and opinions are always entirely our own. Unless otherwise stated, we have received no compensation for our review and the content is purely editorial. Affiliate links may be included. If you purchase something through one of those links we may receive a small commission. Thanks for your support!


1 Comment
  1. I love the topic and the podcast. We all have the power to change <3 Thank you for the share.

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