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Podcast Ep 124: Amy Stanton and Catherine Connors of The Feminine Revolution

Amy Stanton and Catherine Connors always felt that women and their unique feminine behaviors (emotion, intuition, and empathy) should be utilized and celebrated in the business world rather than seen as weak or less than useful. And they’ve spent enough time in the business trenches to truly know what they’re talking about here; Amy is the former COO of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, while Catherine is president of Women Rising, a Hollywood studio creating content to empower women and girls.

Their book, The Feminine Revolution, takes a look at 21 feminine traits and discusses why they should be encouraged in business. Communicating with enthusiasm, displaying empathy, and being agreeable are often labeled as “too feminine,” but the authors argue those very characteristics are actually incredibly powerful and should be embraced rather than shoved aside. In fact, they even make a case for crying at the office!

If you ever need encouragement to use kindness and grace and still get shit done, you’ve gotta give this ep a listen. Then, get ready to use your femininity as a superpower!

A couple of our fave quotes from Amy and Catherine:

Podcast Ep 124 Highlights With Amy Stanton and Catherine Connors

  • Amy and Catherine’s personal stories on how — and why — the book came about
  • Ways to see your femininity as a superpower
  • The importance of listening to our intuition at work, at home, and everywhere (and how being told to ignore it is a form of cultural sexism)
  • How to best assert yourself and honor your intuition in various situations
  • Tips for going into difficult conversations with grace and empathy
  • How we’re in the era of toxic masculinity, but simultaneously seeing a moment when kindness and grace has more resonance than ever before
  • The case for crying when needed
  • Which traits from their book resonate most with them personally
  • How you can be nice, kind and still get stuff done (really!)
  • The nuanced and complex nature of so many feminine traits
  • How to talk to the younger generation (both men and women!) to change some of these cultural standards
  • Why women sometimes shun softer skills in themselves and other women — and how we can shift the environment
  • Plus, we talk about our past experiences being feminine and vulnerable on the job

Get the episode with the Amy Stanton and Catherine Connors here or below!

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How do you feel about being tapping into your feminine traits at work? —Margo

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