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Podcast Ep 117: CrossFit Coach Ben Bergeron

Today’s guest, Ben Bergeron, is one of the world’s most successful CrossFit coaches — but that doesn’t mean he only focuses on the people earning podium spots. Ben’s athletes range from folks who are just learning how to get into shape to some of the most elite athletes in the world. 

He’s passionate about helping people achieve their goals, and has created his own action plan for it — “WHOOPIE,” which stands for: wish/hope/objective/obstacles/identify yourself/execute it.

Ben has so much to say here about achieving your health and wellness goals, but as committed as he is to fitness (for himself and his athletes), his relationships remain the most important things in his life — specifically his wife Heather and his four kids, who are the reasons he makes a point to be home for for dinner every night.

This discussion ranges from nutrition to goal-setting to simply enjoying the life you’re living. You will be so glad you gave it a listen!

One of our favorite quotes from Ben:

Podcast Episode 117 Highlights With Ben Bergeron:

  • How Ben got into CrossFit and coaching
  • How the attacks on 9/11 gave him the wake-up call to lead a more fulfilled life
  • Why his Ironman background makes him a different and stronger CrossFit coach 
  • The key difference between a good coach and a great coach
  • How coaching is like any other relationship — it’s built on trust
  • Why a balanced life might not be the right goal for you
  • Why he believes the “golden rule” is a terrible one
  • The question he asks instead of “why?”
  • How to make your goals more personal
  • How long his elite athletes train each day
  • Who to keep an eye on for this year’s CrossFit Games
  • His wife, Heather Bergeron, and her fantastic blog 
  • Plus, we talk about how much we dig his message of inclusivity

Get the episode with Ben Bergeron here or below!

Get more info on our podcast here and be sure to subscribe on iTunes so that you never miss an episode!

What do you think of the “WHOOPIE” model for goal-setting? —Margo

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