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Podcast Ep 108: The Fit Bottomed Girls Roundtable

We recently had a discussion off-air about our disappointment in the way some personal trainers and gym instructors seem to be using old-timey talking points that incorporate body-, age-, and fat-shaming as a part of their interaction with members. And, as you’d imagine, we had thoughts about it. A lot of ’em.

So we decided to shake things up a bit. Instead of bringing in a guest for this ep, we thought we’d pick up that discussion and share it with you all. So, in this ep, you’ll get lots of Margo, Jenn, and Kristen, as we talk about outdated ideas about motivation — and discuss how fitness professionals can do better.

Because we’ve got experience as both gym-goers and instructors/trainers/coaches, we not only talk about the responsibility the fitness industry has, but also, we get into what you can do if you’re, say, in a class or working with a trainer and hear them saying things that don’t seem appropriate.

We get into our feelings about best practices on how to give feedback to instructors, how gyms can improve inclusivity for all members, and the science behind finding workouts you love to do providing long-lasting benefits.

Also, a big shout-out to our amazing sponsor Inspire Bath!

All Inspire Bath products (we love the deodorant spray and body lotion you see above) are all-natural, smell great and use simple ingredients to help with body odor — totally free of baking soda, aluminum, oil and parabens. We’ve been using it for months now and it works! If you’re looking for an all-natural beauty line that is good for your body and skin, this is IT. Plus! For every bottle purchased Inspire Bath donates one to help build and empower women and girls at shelters and interim homes at the YWCA in St. Joseph, Missouri, for their domestic shelter and home for women and families. It’s a win-win!

Podcast Ep 108 Highlights

  • This ep’s rather personal origin story
  • Our own personal experiences with fat-shaming, bad advice, and just plain out-of-touch behavior at gyms
  • The article Kristen found about how you have to like what you’re doing to reap the benefits of exercise (read it here)
  • Plus, we pick our favorite body-positive workout tunes

While we’re changing things up, let’s try something else that’s new and fun! Here are a few questions for you to ponder as you listen:

  • What are the subtle (and not-so-subtle) ways that body shaming shows up in gyms and group exercise?
  • Would you say something to a trainer or instructor if you thought their comments were out of line? How about if they were just … not quite in line?
  • What would it be like to be a fitness instructor teaching a room full of people who all have different motivations and personality quirks?
  • Are gyms responsible for creating a more inclusive environment?
  • How can the fitness industry, as a whole, do better by its members?

Get the FBG Roundtable episode here or below!

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What are your thoughts on how gyms and instructors motivate their members? –Margo

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FTC disclosure: We often receive products from companies to review. All thoughts and opinions are always entirely our own. Unless otherwise stated, we have received no compensation for our review and the content is purely editorial. Affiliate links may be included. If you purchase something through one of those links we may receive a small commission. Thanks for your support!