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Podcast Ep 106: Tee Major of “Urban Calisthenics”

We had a great time chatting with Tee Major, a personal trainer with a background in training the military and a passion for bodyweight exercises. Tee joined us to promote his book, Urban Calisthenics, which features almost 70 bodyweight exercises and 10 precision routines that focus on whole-body strength and conditioning. He’s all about working out properly and gradually building strength up to be your most bad-ass self!

Tee is also a new dad, so he especially wants to help parents make the most of the limited time they have. That’s why he loves coming up with all kinds of quick, effective workouts using minimal equipment. Seriously, he is super enthusiastic about engaging in old-school style calisthenics for functional fitness rather than putting in hours and hours at the gym. (And, as you can see, he’s even created some incredible new bodyweight-only moves!)

In addition, Tee talks about the joys of moving to Berlin (free kindergarten and the best bread you will ever have in your life!), as well as his advice for dealing with injuries. You’ll feel all kinds of inspiration after this ep.

A couple of our fave quotes and tips from this ep include …

Also, a big shout-out to our amazing sponsor Inspire Bath!

All Inspire Bath products (we love the deodorant spray and body lotion you see above) are all-natural, smell great and use simple ingredients to help with body odor — totally free of baking soda, aluminum, oil and parabens. We’ve been using it for months now and it works! If you’re looking for an all-natural beauty line that is good for your body and skin, this is IT. Plus! For every bottle purchased Inspire Bath donates one to help build and empower women and girls at shelters and interim homes at the YWCA in St. Joseph, Missouri, for their domestic shelter and home for women and families. It’s a win-win!

Podcast Episode 106 Highlights With Tee Major

  • The bodyweight moves he loves the most
  • The exercises he continually sees people doing incorrectly (and how you should perform them)
  • The biggest nutrition myth he enjoys busting
  • How being a new dad has changed his life, his workouts, and his work
  • How to make time for your workouts (like borrowing from “wasted time”)
  • His experience as a male model and what fitness shoots are really like
  • Warning: there’s an old school hip hop F-bomb at the end!
  • Plus, we talk about whether or not we would feel comfortable offering suggestions to fellow gym-goers who are working out incorrectly — and we’d love for you to weigh in with your thoughts in the comments!

Get the episode with the Tee here or below!

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What are your favorite bodyweight moves? —Margo

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FTC disclosure: We often receive products from companies to review. All thoughts and opinions are always entirely our own. Unless otherwise stated, we have received no compensation for our review and the content is purely editorial. Affiliate links may be included. If you purchase something through one of those links we may receive a small commission. Thanks for your support!