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Podcast Ep 105: Bev Sanders of Las Olas Surf Camp

Bev Sanders founded Las Olas Surfing for Women (the first women’s surfing retreat) in 1997 at the age of 44 — the same year she learned to surf. Bev, a former marketing director and co-founder of a successful snowboarding company, found her balance on the waves and immediately knew she wanted to offer that same experience to others. Her goal: to make girls out of women. And that’s a goal she’s achieved time and time again.

Bev is passionate about helping women find time to play in a supportive (and gorgeous!) environment in a way that helps them see that feminism can be fun.

The Las Olas experience came to be after Bev spent years as the only woman in board meetings and found herself beyond frustrated by not getting the sponsorship and equipment she felt her brand deserved. So she quit that job and began a new life creating opportunities for newbies and expert surfers alike to enjoy their downtime in a supportive environment with women from all different backgrounds. Take a listen — you just might feel like your brain is on a vacation to the sunny spot of your dreams!

A couple of our favorite quotes from this ep …

Also, a big shout-out to our amazing sponsor Inspire Bath!

All Inspire Bath products (we love the deodorant spray and body lotion you see above) are all-natural, smell great and use simple ingredients to help with body odor — totally free of baking soda, aluminum, oil and parabens. We’ve been using it for months now and it works! If you’re looking for an all-natural beauty line that is good for your body and skin, this is IT. Plus! For every bottle purchased Inspire Bath donates one to help build and empower women and girls at shelters and interim homes at the YWCA in St. Joseph, Missouri, for their domestic shelter and home for women and families. It’s a win-win!

Podcast Ep 105 Highlights With Bev Sanders:

  • How she went from being a co-founder of a snowboard company to running her own surfing business geared towards women
  • What made her learn to surf at the age of 44
  • How her feminist beliefs inspired her business strategy
  • What she loves about board sports
  • The movies that portray surfing correctly (she’s a big fan of Blue Crush)
  • The biggest mental barrier that Type A women have when first attempting to catch a wave
  • They types of women she sees at Las Olas — and you might be surprised at the variety
  • What she feels that women-only vacations are needed now more than ever
  • Plus, we talk about fitness-based vacations

Get the episode with the Bev Sanders here or below!

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What are your favorite sports to enjoy on vacation? —Margo

Want to sponsor the show? Yay! Drop us a note at [email protected] and let’s make the world a healthier place together!

FTC disclosure: We often receive products from companies to review. All thoughts and opinions are always entirely our own. Unless otherwise stated, we have received no compensation for our review and the content is purely editorial. Affiliate links may be included. If you purchase something through one of those links we may receive a small commission. Thanks for your support!


  1. Devin says:

    Bev is a Legend!

  2. Victor R says:

    Bev Sanders is really great!

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